I'm not exactly in my 20's anymore.
I can't ignore my monthly bills.
I don't go outside without lathering on the SPF 30. (Yes, I actually think about those type of things, now.)
And I can't leave the house without wearing a bra (most of the time.)
But, most importantly, I can no longer ignore the fact that it's high time that the hubs and I sent out a proper Christmas Card to our friends and family.
Just like grown-ups in the real world do.
It's high time I broke out the big guns.
This is where Shutterfly.com steps in and kicks some butt.
Shutterfly.com has made Christmas Card's personal and easy at the same time.
Basically, I get to do all the fun stuff, like upload pics of my adorable kids and they do all the hard part, like designing the card.
Then my fam gets the easy part, opening the mail.
And I get all the credit.
Who knew!
I mean, I have definitely attempted Christmas pictures over the past 16 years and some have been more successful than others.
This year I want to make things easier on myself.
Besides, look how cute these shutterly.com pics are:
** See how you can add all the fabulous things you did down the right side!
**This one is cute, too.
**Or, I may just go with this one, tho. I mean, being a simple girl and all, it gets straight to the point.

Now for the hard part....
Getting hubs to put up the Christmas Tree BEFORE Thanksgiving and the even harder part... Getting all 4 kids to pose sweetly for a proper picture!
Raise your hand if you think I can have these ordered, printed, stamped and mailed before Valentine's Day!
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